Already on 9th February Mazovian entrepreneurs will learn how to apply for repayable support in the form support in the form of loans from European Funds. All thanks to a free webinar, to which invites European Funds Main Information Point in Warsaw Warsaw.
The webinar "European Funds-Reimbursable Instruments for Business Development" will be held on February 9, 2022 at 11 am on the ClickMeeting web platform. A link to the meeting will be sent to those interested who first complete the registration form
and send it back to the address: no later than 8 February at 12 noon.
In the case of additional organisational needs resulting from a disability, you should complete item 2 on the application form.
The organizers invite in particular people planning to start or develop a business to participate in the meeting. Participation in the webinar is free of charge - the order of registration is decisive.
Meeting Agenda:
- Registration, welcome and information about the Network of Information Points in Mazovia
- Rules for granting support under the Education Loans" Program
- Consultation with participants
For more information, contact the organizer of the webinar, which is the Main Information Point of European Funds in Warsaw, 7403-301 Jagiellońska St.; tel. 22 542 27 11, 22 542 20 38; e-mail: