Summary of I Radom Career Festival

On November 7, 2019 at 12.00 in the Main Hall of the Institute of Exploitation Technology took place the meeting summarizing the 1st Radom Career Festival, which took place on October 23, 2019. The city authorities were represented by Ms. Katarzyna Kalinowska - Deputy Mayor of Radom and employees of the Radom Economic Zone Service Office.

The meeting was attended by representatives of thirty Radom companies, nine vocational schools and nearly forty students involved in the organization of the event. On behalf of Mr. Radosław Witkowski - President of Radom, Ms. Kalinowska presented the gathered guests with thanks for their participation and involvement in creating a positive image of Radom through the promotion of vocational education and Radom's companies.

The prizes were sponsored by Westhill, which funded vouchers worth a total of PLN 15,000 for TalentReflect, a survey to determine the strengths and personal talents of the respondents.
