The project, which aims to promote vocational education, is the result of the demand of companies in Radom. Currently, in practically every industry, hiring an employee with appropriate qualifications is a challenge. In response to the expectations of entrepreneurs, from the beginning of the 2019/2020 school year, a strategy is being implemented that involves many activities aimed at promoting vocational education. One of them are meetings of company representatives with students of secondary schools. We visited 9 vocational schools and 7 high schools. More than 1000 students participated in 21 meetings. We presented Radom to young people as an excellent city for personal development and career building. Similar meetings are currently held with students of vocational schools from the former Radom province. Companies that took part in the meetings with students: Durr Poland, Easy Robots, Fogiel&Fogiel, GGG, KPS Food, Mlekpol, PMP Poland, Pronar, QFG, REDAR, Roboplast, Transport Company STĘPIEŃ, Zakłady Automatyki KOMBUD. The strategy for the promotion of vocational education for the school year 2019/2020, in addition to meetings with students of secondary schools, also includes, among others: meetings with parents of elementary school students, social media campaign, visits of vocational counselors and students to companies. The event that started the implementation of the project "My Profession - My Future" in the current school year was the 1st Radom Career Festival.