"Professional circular economy staff"

ADN Business Academy Sp. z o. o. invites you to participate in a project on planning the company's development strategy towards low and zero emission and implementing circular economy solutions.

The project can be joined by employees of enterprises - management staff, people directly involved or people who are planned to be involved in the process of planning or implementing low-emission economy solutions or circular economy in a given enterprise. Owners of sole proprietorships can also participate in the project.


➢ Participation in the project is FREE - the entrepreneur does not make any own contribution - and the acquired knowledge is PRICELESS.

➢ The project is implemented in the period from March 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026.

For more details, please visit the project website www.profesjonalnekadrygoz.pl +48 22 208 28 57; 503 455 332 @profesjonalnekadrygoz@adn.pl

Profesjonalne kadry GOZ