Webinar for Mazovian entrepreneurs on rules of applying for repayable support in form of loans from European Funds

Already on 9th February Mazovian entrepreneurs will learn how to apply for repayable support in the form support in the form of loans from European Funds. All thanks to a free webinar, to which invites European Funds Main Information Point in Warsaw Warsaw.

The webinar "European Funds-Reimbursable Instruments for Business Development" will be held on February 9, 2022 at 11 am on the ClickMeeting web platform. A link to the meeting will be sent to those interested who first complete the registration form

and send it back to the address: spotkanie_informacyjne@mazowia.eu no later than 8 February at 12 noon.

In the case of additional organisational needs resulting from a disability, you should complete item 2 on the application form.

The organizers invite in particular people planning to start or develop a business to participate in the meeting. Participation in the webinar is free of charge - the order of registration is decisive.

Meeting Agenda:

  • Registration, welcome and information about the Network of Information Points in Mazovia
  • Rules for granting support under the Education Loans" Program
  • Consultation with participants

For more information, contact the organizer of the webinar, which is the Main Information Point of European Funds in Warsaw, 7403-301 Jagiellońska St.; tel. 22 542 27 11, 22 542 20 38; e-mail: punkt_kontaktowy@mazowia.eu

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