A special platform for Ukrainians looking for work in Poland is in operation

A new online platform for Ukrainian citizens looking for work in Poland has been created. It was created by the Ministry of Family and Social Policy together with the Prime Minister's Office. There are now a total of more than 200,000 employment offers on it.

Platform  www.pracawpolsce.gov.pl facilitates the establishment of contacts between employers and job seekers. With this new solution, any Ukrainian citizen looking for a job can share information about his education and competencies. As a result, he will receive feedback on job opportunities that may interest him, as well as contact information for employers.

Thanks to the platform, Ukrainian citizens looking for a job for the duration of their stay in Poland have the opportunity to find one in their profession, according to their qualifications. 

The listings come from the Central Jobs Database and several commercial portals. Job offers on the platform can be entered, updated and deleted by: employers, entities providing services related to the provision of job offers, entities providing intermediation services between employers and job seekers.

The newly launched platform, is another solution that simplifies and streamlines the process of finding employment for Ukrainian citizens.

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