Friendly Workplace is a distinction for companies that can boast of an innovative approach to activities directed at and for employees. The most important thing is to change the Polish market. We reward elite companies for whom pro-employment activities are not foreign. I am glad that in Radom there is a company that does so much for its employees and I congratulate you - says Michał Biały, director of - Abriga is definitely a woman - started Katarzyna Kalinowska, deputy president of the city of Radom - I can feel friendly atmosphere. I am glad that the core of the internationally developing company is located here in Radom. Congratulations and I wish you nothing but successes and development - she added. Abriga, obtaining this distinction in this year's plebiscite, joined companies such as Enel-Med., Pfizer, CocaCola and Atena. The great atmosphere in the company and addressing the needs of employees were appreciated, without which Abrig's involvement would not have worked so effectively. Abriga is built on the basis of four values that are not only part of the organizational culture, but also a guarantee of business attitude and the company's showcase. The Code of Ethics was named Abriga CODE and consists of: C - like Constant Learning - continuous improvement, learning, from each other, from experts, from clients, helping each other, inspiring and experiencing. About - Open Communication - without a good conversation, expressing your own opinion, rational arguments and respect, you can not talk about good relations. In Abriga, honest conversations, solid feedback and undertaking conversations about successes and failures are appreciated. D - Desing & Details - the company creates beautiful brands whose appearance is unique, ensures that it stands out on the market. Abriga works with the best designers, and pays attention to details in everyday work. E - Effect Wow - the company works to impress not only customers but also employees. - The value of Constant Learning is the driving force of our operation. We verify compliance with this principle already at the recruitment stage. We value knowledge seekers, curious and inquisitive, striving to develop people. Already the first day of work emphasizes how much we care about the best possible implementation and preparation of the employee for his duties. The three-month onboarding process introduces the new person step by step into the company's functioning and habits. As part of the process, training sessions and workshops take place, and everything is permeated with micro tasks verifying the acquired knowledge. After the onboarding process is over, we can be sure that the new employee knows and understands Abriga well - says Anita Dobrzycka, Business Development Manager at Abriga Polska Sp. z o.o. To improve knowledge about cosmetics and sales, the company built its own Educational Academy. knowledge of the company's brands and products is available to each employee. Rich materials in the form of video, quizzes and tests facilitate the acquisition of knowledge. Positively completed programs are associated with nice gifts, and in addition there is an element of competition that motivates to in-depth learning. Leaders take part in cyclical workshops supporting their functions. They improve their management skills and understanding of teams. It is a standard that every employee can benefit from full financing or co-financing of courses, training or studies which from his perspective are important in the development of skills and competences and which overlap with the tasks he performs. Every quarter, special goals are set for the development of employee ties and team building - Quarterly Themes. Sometimes it is a circulation of the earth, at other times cosmetics testing and mutual opinions, and yet another, joint recruitment of new employees. Employees celebrate each goal together by organizing barbecues, games and charity actions - always taking part in them personally. Efficiency at work depends on maintaining a balance between responsibilities and relaxation and time for the family. Taking responsibility for what is at work, the company makes every effort to make it a friendly and comfortable place. Two green relaxation zones have been created in Abriga, where you can relax, talk or have lunch. It is also important to have flexible working hours so that employees can adapt their working hours to other responsibilities. In Abriga, employees can count on the support of their passions. Further bicycle racks are mounted for cyclists, the company also focuses on joint activities with a hint of competition. Going out bowling or a charity run are just some of them. By promoting a healthy lifestyle, the company offers employees both sports and medical packages, as well as fresh fruit every day. And especially for coffee fans, a special espresso machine works daily in the kitchen. - We are happy that appreciated our activities and gave us this special distinction. Being among such companies as Atena or Henkel is of special importance to us. Appreciating employees, their effort and heart, which they put into work every day is the key. Because without people there would be no Abrigi - summed up Anita Dobrzycka. Let us remind you that Abriga Polska Sp z o. O. Is a Radom company that was founded in 2017, developing its activities in the beauty industry - creating cosmetics and cosmetic brands known and available all over the world. Currently, Abriga consists of 95 employees in Radom.