IV edition of the Start from Mazovia competition

Start from Mazovia contest is addressed to Mazovian start-ups that create innovative ideas and products, and their activity is not longer than 3 years.

Companies that take part in the competition have a chance to win prizes worth a total of 90 000 PLN, as well as gain valuable contacts, promote their ideas through various communication channels and publicity in the industry media.

The contest is adjudicated in the following categories:

1) INNO-TECH - for a start-up that creates new products and processes and significant technological changes in products and processes, including product, process, system innovations; for a start-up in the growth phase at the sales stage;

2) SOCIAL IMPACT - for a start-up with a positive environmental or social impact, regardless of stage of development;

3) START - for a start-up that creates an innovative project that is at the Minimum Value Product or prototype stage that has a chance to grow and scale effectively.

Participation in the contest is very simple. Just fill out the application form  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctIOBA9jGn5eXYfdRIxroe_q2cAUHpIwOFRxF8p_CIUGY7pQ/viewform.

More about the contest: https://innowacyjni.mazovia.pl/dzialania/startuj-z-mazowsza/iv-edycja.html.
