Summary of Workshops for Vocational Counsellors within the project: "My profession - my future".

How to present yourself during a job interview, what to interest a future employer, what is the labor market now and what will it look like in the future? These are just a few of the issues raised during the Workshops for Vocational Counsellors, which took place on 27 October in the Automation Machinery Plant KOMBUD S.A. in Radom. The organizers of the meeting were: Service Office of Radom Economic Zone of Radom City Hall, Automatics Plant KOMBUD S.A.,PMP Poland, DÜRR Poland,TREND GLASS.

The workshop for career counselors was held for the second time within the project promoting vocational education: "My profession - my future". They were attended by more than 20 career counselors from educational institutions in Radom. The workshop was led by Anna Ciesielska- Siek, from the HR sector, Kombud company.

Jolanta Pilecka from PMP told the workshop participants about the current labor market and forecasts how it will look in the future.

According to HR specialists, one of the factors shaping the of the labor market is technological progress and the demand for new professions. Specialists also drew attention to the many years of neglect in the area of vocational education.

Career counselors were introduced to examples of correct and incorrect job interview. Scenes depicting a conversation of a person applying for employment with a potential employer presented Elżbieta Molenda from DÜRR and Beata Kosior from KOMBUD.

It turns out that of great importance during the recruitment process is...the first impression. 33% of recruiters form their opinion about a candidate within the first 90 seconds. Minus marks will be collected by a person who is late, distracted, dressed frivolously, etc.   

There was no shortage of practical tips on how an interview should go and how to and how to prepare for it.

Monika Gębska from TREND GLASS suggested which questions a potential candidate can expect during a job interview. Among them it is worth to mention: salary expectations, career history or so called intelligence questions. 

Vocational counsellors and invited guests saw the laboratory of Kombud company, where the novelties in the field of railroad traffic control are tested.

The workshop participants were visited by Katarzyna Kalinowska, deputy mayor of Radom. She thanked the counselors, speakers and organizers of the event and expressed her satisfaction with the cooperation between vocational counselors, vocational training institutions and Radom companies supporting vocational education.   

The summary of the workshop was a survey. It allowed the organizers to find out how the counselors evaluate the workshops, what their expectations are for the next editions; how they perceive the possibility of employment in industries whose development is visible in our city.

The respondents liked the practical recruitment scene the most and declared their willingness to participate in future workshops of this type combined with visits to local companies.    
