XIV Global Entrepreneurship Week in Radom, under the slogan: Academic entrepreneurship - examples of good practices

The lecture entitled. "How leader's personal values influence organization's results - 5 aspects of Servant Leadership philosophy in practice" by Aneta Montano, Coach and mentor of leaders, entrepreneur, connected with business, is one of the highlights of the upcoming week. On November 10th from 10:50 a.m. to 10:50 p.m. the speaker will meet all those interested in Microsoft Teams application and all this within the XIV Entrepreneurship World Week in Radom. The patronage over the XIV Global Entrepreneurship Week in our city has been taken by Radom City Mayor Radosław Witkowski. The week will be full of numerous lectures and speeches (program below)

 November 8, 2021, 11:00 - 11:45 (Higher School of Commerce in Radom, 61 C Traugutta St., Hall 1) The BCC Student Forum at the Radom Lodge in its activities for the development of entrepreneurship among academic youth in Radom. Dominik Kędzierski, Andrzej Gołębiowski, Social Economy Leaders in Radom - presentation of the project, 11:45 - 12:30 (Higher School of Commerce in Radom, 61 C Traugutta St., Hall 1)  Zrób pierwszy krok „Nawet najdalsza podróż zaczyna się od pierwszego kroku” – Lao TzuFUSION 24 - Tomasz Paprocki, PhD, Emilia Żuchowska-Kotlarz WSH.

November 9, 202119:30 - 20:15 (Higher School of Commerce in Radom / Platform Teams Pracownia Consultingu Rozwoju Osobowości i Coingu, access code: x48mq45), People with disabilities on the labor market - how to build entrepreneurial attitudes among people with disabilities, Dr. Paweł Borowiecki, Prof. Andrzej Gołębiowski, Dr. Emilia Żuchowska - Kotlarz

Nov. 10, 2021, 9:30 am - 11:30 am How a leader's personal values impact organizational performance - the 5 aspects of Servant Leadership philosophy in practice, Aneta Montano MBA, Loża Radomska BCC Platforma Teams link dostępu: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19meeting_OTAzMjkxYzctMGQ1Ni00YmU0LTgyYWItNDgzNjEyNTI4Njg2thread.v2/0?context=Tidd4af8e42-e514-47dc-851f-59bfd2471fc6Oid07b8bf50-6401-43a2-8ad2-061d168f0ee0>)


18:00 - 19:30 (Higher
School of Economics in Radom / Platform Teams Pracownia Consultingu Rozwoju
Personality and Coaching, access code: x48mq45)
How to build entrepreneurial capacity
Among college students?
Prof. WSH Dr Andrzej Gołębiowski, Dr Iwona

November 12, 2021, 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Personal Branding, Anna Słopiecka Creative Agency Noble Brand, Prof. Andrzej Gołębiowski - Pedagogue of Happiness, WSH in Radom.

November 21, 202113:00 - 14:00 (Higher School of Commerce in Radom / Platform Teams / Studio of Consulting, Personality Development and Coaching, access code x48mq4513:00 - 14:00 (Higher School of Commerce in Radom / Platform Teams / Studio of Consulting, Personality Development and Coaching, access code  

The event was held under the patronage of Radom's Mayor Radosław Witkowski.

he organizers are: Higher School of Commerce in Radom, Radom Economic Zone Service Office of Radom City Hall, Radom BCC Lodge. The partners of the event are: Noble Brand Creative Agency - Anna Słopiecka, Pedagogue of Happiness - Andrzej Gołębiowski, "Back to nature" - Robert Kucharski, Student Forum BCC at Radom Lodge, FUSION 24 - Tomasz Paprocki