A city information point for citizens of Ukraine was established in the Descurów Tenement House

It is a place where we want to connect people who need help with those who offer it. At the Descurów Tenement House we collect information about free accommodation. We also invite doctors who would like to give free medical advice and lawyers. Thanks to the generosity of Radom residents we can also provide basic necessities to people fleeing the war - says Mateusz Tyczyński, the vice-president of the town.

The Descurów Tenement House is also a place where donations for Ukraine are collected. The first shipment of medicines and bandages has already been delivered to the Ukrainian town of Vinnitsa. The collection of gifts for Ukrainians escaping from the war is still in progress. The following items are needed: medicines, articles for children, especially baby carriages, as well as food for children (preferably with a long shelf life) and hygiene items for children, including cosmetics for the youngest. The donations can be brought to the Descura House from Monday to Sunday between 10 am and 8 pm.

The information desk can be contacted by calling: 603.303.784 or 48.362.01.36 or you can send an email to: ukraina@gminaradom.pl.

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