Workshops "PFR Innovation Designers" - Radom, November 18, 2019

On November 18th in Radom in La Melisa restaurant, 22A Mieszka I Street, free workshops will be held, during which qualified trainers will teach how to think creatively and create innovative solutions. They will be organized and financed by: Polish Development Fund (PFR), Google and the Radom Economic Zone Service Office - Radom City Hall. The program aims to support the development of an innovation ecosystem in our country by creating and developing soft skills, especially among young people who are still learning or are just entering the job market. PFR Innovation Designers - who is this program for? The main criteria for participation are the desire to develop and work on current and future ideas. The next workshops will take place on November 18th in Radom in La Melisa restaurant at 22A Mieszka I Street. During the workshop you will be able to learn about the method of design thinking. As the organizers explain, design thinking is a structured process of idea development from the initial idea to the creation of a prototype. During the workshops, trainers will show how to identify real problems of users, create radically innovative solutions and test created concepts of products and services. Google wants in this way not only to share experience and methods used in creating innovative solutions and technologies but also to show how to use this methodology in practice. During the first edition of the "PFR Innovation Designers" workshops were attended by nearly 1300 people. Many of them created prototypes of their products that they intend to launch on the market in the future, and as many as 9% of participants founded their startup. Those interested in the workshops can register at this link: