Dual training - study, practice and work

From December 2019 to February 2020, under the project "My profession - my future", the Radom Economic Zone Service Office, representatives of Radom companies and technical faculties of UTH Radom conducted a wide campaign promoting vocational education in 14 secondary school teams in 12 cities in the former Radom province:

  1. S. Staszic High School Complex in Białobrzegi;
  2. Zespół Szkół im. Armii Krajowej Obwodu Głuszec -Grójec w Grójecu;
  3. S. Staszic High School Complex in Iłża;
  4. School Complex No. 1 named after Polish Legions in Kozienice;
  5. J. Śniadecki School Complex in Pionki;
  6. Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Pionki;
  7. The John Paul II School Complex No. 1 in Przysucha;
  8. L. Skowyra School Complex No. 2 in Przysucha;
  9. Ks. Domanski High School Complex in Sienna;
  10. John Paul II Secondary School Complex in Lipsko;
  11. Border Protection Corps School Complex in Szydłowiec;
  12. T. Nocznicki Vocational and Continuing Education Center in Nowa Wieś;
  13. The Wincenty Witos High School Complex in Jasieniec;
  14. Sports Championship High School Complex in Lipiny.

More than 1100 students of penultimate classes of vocational schools and technical secondary schools participated in 25 meetings.

The companies involved in the project:

  1. Zakłady Automatyki KOMBUD S.A.
  2. RADWAG Wagi Elektroniczne
  4. QFG
  5. DÜRR Poland
  6. PRONAR Sp. z o.o.
  7. PMP Poland

Departments involved in the project at the University of Technology and Humanities and. K. Pułaski in Radom:

  1. Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
  2. Faculty of Transport, Electronics and Information Technology
  3. Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Commodity Sciences

Thanks to the knowledge and experience of the speakers and their interesting, substantive and positive presentation of the image of Radom in the light of its economic, social and cultural development, the students became acquainted with the positive side of life and personal and professional development opportunities in our city.