Anti-inflation loan from PLN 800 thousand to PLN 10 million for small and medium-sized enterprises

Industrial Development Agency S.A. has introduced a new product to its offer - Anti-inflation Loan guaranteed by the European Guarantee Fund. The loan from PLN 800 thousand to PLN 10 million can benefit small and medium-sized enterprises. Dla tych, którzy złożą wniosek do 31 marca 2022 r, – zero procent prowizji.

As a result of inflation, entrepreneurs have problems with achieving a positive margin when realising contract orders or carrying out investments within a predetermined budget. That is why with them in mind, Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. (Industrial Development Agency) has introduced an anti-inflation loan, which was designed in both working capital and investment formula.

The working capital formula is designed to finance current activities: financing of increased costs of raw materials and consumables, production production, transportation, etc.

The Investment Formula is designed to finance completion of investments in progress: financing of increased costs investments.

An Anti-inflation Loan with a guarantee from the European Guarantee Fund is not only a financing period exceeding market standards, even up to 10 years in case of investment financing, but also the possibility of capital repayment grace period.

Entrepreneurs who take advantage of this product will be able to count on the alleviation of the requirement to material requirement of covering the loan with collateral or the possibility of a grace period in the repayment repayment of principal. In case of this loan, the Industrial Development Agency will bear fee for granting the guarantee.

The exact loan amount will be determined individually for each applicant and will range from PLN 800 thousand to PLN 10 million. The amount will be disbursed in tranches or as a one-off payment. The maximum financing period will be up to 48 months for working capital loans (grace period for repayment of principal up to 3 months); and up to 120 months for investment loans (grace period for repayment of principal up to 15 months); Translated with (free version)

Interest rate: WIBOR 1M + margin (in accordance with the margin grid used in the parameterizer parameterizer);

Financing commission: o 0 % - for applications submitted between 04.01.2022r. - 31.03.2022r.; o 0.2% - for applications submitted after 31.03.2022r;

No No commissions: for application processing, on unused loan amount, on early repayment early repayment;

Costs of collateral in the form of guarantee of the European Guarantee Fund shall be incurred by ARP S.A;

What does security look like?

70% of coverage by a portfolio guarantee under the EFG Pan-European Guarantee Fund, the remaining tangible collateral (mortgage - acceptable entries in a place other than the first, registered pledge on machinery and equipment) will constitute no more than 50% of the loan amount calculated at market value, Additional collateral: statement on submission to enforcement pursuant to Article 777 of the Civil Code, other. Translated with (free version)
