The Mayor of Radom announces internship grants for students
The candidate applying for the scholarship should meet the following requirements:
- have a place of residence in Radom;
- Have student status;
- have a grade point average of at least 3.75, obtained in the academic year preceding the date of application;
A scholarship recipient who has been awarded a scholarship among other things is required to:
- Maintain student status throughout the duration of the scholarship;
- completing the internship program in a timely manner;
- podjęcia pracy u przedsiębiorcy na podstawie umowy o pracę w pełnym wymiarze czasu pracy, nie później niż w terminie miesiąca od ukończenia stażu.
An entrepreneur (internship organizer) who accepts a student for an internship is required, among other things, to:
- arrange an internship for a period of three to six months (not less than 80 hours per month);
- Employment of the student, within one month of completion of the internship, under a full-time contract.
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