Competition "Award of the President of Radom for the best engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis on the economic development of Radom".

PRESIDENT OF THE CITY OF RADOM announces the call for entries to the competition "Award of the President of the City of Radom for the best engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis on the economic development of Radom". COMPETITION TERMS AND CONDITIONS
  1. The following may be entered into the competition engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis, across all disciplines and areas of study, devoted to the topic of economic development of Radom.
  2. Papers defended in the competition year or in the previous year will be accepted for the competition.
  3. To participate in the competition, you must submit an engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis along with the necessary attachments specified in Regulaminie konkursu PRESIDENT OF THE CITY OF RADOM announces the call for entries to the competition "Award of the President of the City of Radom for the best engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis on the economic development of Radom". Zarządzenia Nr 533/2019 Prezydenta Miasta Radomia z dnia 23 maja 2019r. on establishing "Award of the President of Radom for the best engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis dedicated to the economic development of Radom".
Submissions of work to the contest should include:
  • duly completed application form;
  • an abstract of the paper, indicating its merits in terms of the economic development of Radom (should not exceed 3-5 pages);
  • The full text of the paper in an electronic version (on a CD-ROM) in a publicly accessible format;
  • oświadczenie the supervisor and the author(s) of the paper agreeing to the processing of personal data;
  • oświadczenie The author(s) will grant to the Municipality of Radom a non-exclusive license, free of charge, authorizing to use the author's economic rights to the submitted work in the scope of publication and dissemination of the whole work or its fragments via a website and printed promotional materials and publications of the Municipal Office in Radom;
  • zgodę uczelni na pierwszeństwo publikacji przez Gminę Miasta Radomia zgłoszonej do konkursu pracy w przypadku, gdy od jej obrony minęło mniej niż 6 miesięcy.
CALL DEADLINE AND LOCATION FOR SUBMITTING WORKS An engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis with all necessary attachments must be submitted in a sealed envelope in person within the period from 01.06.2019r. do 30.06.2019r. at the Radom Economic Zone Service Office of the Radom City Hall, 53 Żeromskiego St., room 105, 106, 26-602 Radom, Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. or by mail, sending to: City Hall of Radom Office of Radom Economic Zone Service ul. Żeromskiego 53 26-602 Radom Inscription on the envelope: "Award of the President of the City of Radom for the best engineering, bachelor's or master's thesis dedicated to the economic development of Radom". W przypadku składania wniosku za pośrednictwem poczty, o zachowaniu terminu decyduje data wpływu do Urzędu Miejskiego w Radomiu. Wnioski złożone przed terminem ogłoszenia naboru lub po terminie zakończenia naboru nie będą rozpatrywane. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Detailed information about the competition rules is available at under Ogłoszenia. Dodatkowe informacje można uzyskać w Office of Radom Economic Zone Service, Żeromskiego Street 53, room 105, 106, phone: (48)36-20-614, e-mail:
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