Webinar for entrepreneurs and people planning to start a business made the Global Entrepreneurship Week in Radom more attractive

The webinar was organised as part of the 14th Global Entrepreneurship Week. During the first part, entrepreneurs and people planning to start their own business found out what forms of public support are offered by Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. as an alternative to bank loans.

Representing the Agency, Renata Pomorska -Grzechnik, director of the Entrepreneurs Service Centre in Warsaw, mentioned, among others, a working capital loan to finance a deficit in working capital. It is intended for enterprises with a turnover of more than PLN 4 million and with positive results for 2019. Loan amount: PLN 0.8 million - PLN 5 million for enterprises in the SME sector, PLN 10 million - the maximum amount of financing for large entities. Financing period up to 6 years. Loan collateral: real estate mortgage and other standard collateral accepted by the ARP S.A., use of support from the KGP Surety Funds and additional collateral: blank promissory note with promissory note declaration.

All interested parties will find on Agencja Rozwoju Przemysłu S.A. website information on how to effectively use the above-mentioned form of assistance, and thus a step-by-step instruction on how to: submit an application, lists of documents necessary to receive assistance, instructions on how to submit an application. Ready documentation can be submitted online by clicking on the "submit an application" icon.

The next point of the meeting was a lecture (online) by Aneta Montano entitled "How a leader's personal values affect organizational performance - 5 aspects of Servant Leadership philosophy in practice".  

Aneta Montano, coach and mentor for leaders, entrepreneur, associated with business and management positions for over 20 years, in the very beginning mentioned the values that should characterize a "good" leader. It is important to know: what values does the leader represent and what values does he/she pass on to his/her team, does he/she participate in the team's work or does he/she only demand and evaluate? According to Montano, in a team without good relations bad things happen, but reformation is always possible.

A good leader is the one who "serves" his employees. This is a person who is not indifferent to the fate of subordinates. He is interested in what they think, what makes them difficult and what gives them satisfaction, etc. What matters is presence, support, attitude. What matters is presence, support, attitude. Not without significance is also the personality of the leader. It is a person with values. According to the mentor, high-performance teams are connected teams in which mutual social sensitivity is maintained, there is no pointing out deficiencies, and strengths are appreciated.

-A leader who cares about the team inspires trust. The team is not afraid of criticism, even when its members have different opinions, observations or feelings than the leader, i.e. the boss," Montano noted.

The speaker referred to managing a company in a pandemic. This time, she stressed, proved to be a difficult lesson for all and a lesson in humility.

The organizers of Wednesday's Webinar, which took place as part of World Entrepreneurship Week are: Anna Slopiecka, Secretary of the BCC Radom Lodge, owner of Noble Brand Creative Agency, with the participation of the Radom Economic Zone Service Office of the Radom City Hall and the Radom School of Economics.

